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What are cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are encrypted digital currency which is transferred between peers. It is decentralized, meaning not governed by any bank or government institution. They are a sequence of encrypted codes transmitted and stored over a network. All transactions are confirmed and stored on a public ledger. The system uses other complex techniques to certify and validate the record keeping process.

Lack of regulation for cryptocurrencies mean that they are highly volatile by nature, and an investment with this can make a lot of money fast, and at the same time it can turn and one can lose money fast. The reason it is not yet accepted by a lot of businesses is partly due to the lack of regulation.

The reality is such, that Bitcoin and digital currencies prices rise and drop for various reasons such as media and bad press, news events, and government statements, more people are using it and for this reason the price is rising. Its unpredictability makes it exciting for most traders. Moving forward there are discussions on how to manage the currencies and that in itself can swing the price.

Cryptocurrencies – The New Gold

Monaco Bank and Trust now offers all traders the opportunity to trade a wide range* of the top ranked digital coins 24/7*. Today cryptocurrencies have become known to most people as a conventional and popular investment option. The main purpose of this new technology is to allow people to buy, trade, and invest without the need for banks or any other financial institution. Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and can be profitable to any trader’s portfolio.

Cryptocurrencies are not physical coins they are electronic, a digital asset that remains as data. The technology behind the cryptocurrency controls a large part of its value which holds new technology on the secure way to identify and transfer money.

Why trade cryptocurrencies with Monaco Bank and Trust

Cryptocurrencies could potentially be the currency of the future with more people gaining interest and price value going up. Monaco Bank and Trust offers competitive spreads, with no commissions charged on transactions making it more profitable. When trading with Monaco Bank and Trust you are trading on the price changes of the digital coin, and not physically purchasing it. Trading with Monaco Bank and Trust ensures that you will trade with a 100% reputable broker. More reasons to trade cryptocurrencies with AvaTrade today are:

  • Benefit from a wide range of top traded cryptocurrencies on the market
  • Competitive swap rates
  • Live quotes and charts for your reference
  • Simple trading platform for all level traders
  • Multiple Exchange